Practical Guidelines to start & accelerate Digital Marketing

Tuesday January, 26, 2021: Online workshop
A dedicated session to pin-point the exact digital marketing activities that bring you and your business value. By using practical examples, this session will cover some of the most occurring questions for the move to digital.
• (When) do I need to invest in marketing technology?
• What technologies make sense for my company size?
• Should I be active on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram?
• How do I set-up my website for success?
• What elements need to be on there?
• How can I set-up a marketing process that helps me drive my sales goals?
• What are best practices to streamline that process?
• What profiles should I attract to run my marketing?
• And many more ..
The workshop will take place online on Tuesday January 26th at 16h00 and will be held by Niels Van Schoorisse. Niels is a manager at Deloitte Belgium in the Marketing, commerce & content team. He specializes in a wide range of consultancy services to assist marketing organizations, their processes and strategy. Niels combines practical hands-on experience as marketing manager with consultancy experience.
Practical information:
Date: January 26th @ 16h00
• 40 mins Use cases & best practices
• 40 mins Q&A – feel free to send your questions upfront to
See you soon!