RENTED - Office A2.13 is located in building number 15 - Incubator Darwin. With its open architecture, attractive conference rooms and trendy coffee bar, Darwin is the perfect place for young entrepreneurial talent. Impress customers and investors in this beautiful building with a panoramic view of the water feature behind it. Here, you’ll find offices and labs in various sizes and there is total peace of mind. Whether it is answering your phone, accepting parcels, cleaning your office or lab, it will all be taken care of for you. Focusing on your core business has never been easier. So don't hesitate and rent this office to give your business that extra push.
Facilities of office A2.13
office of 52m²
6 equipped workplaces on the 2nd floor
ICT facilities including telephone lines, telephones, VLAN and WiFi network. Multifunctional printer (scan, copy) available.
west facing, blinds provided.
price includes use of conference rooms and auditorium, parking, utilities, cleaning and secretarial services.

ID DARWIN - Office A2.13 - RENTED

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